Welcome to our Team – Mike
The Maine Brew Bus has grown again, with the addition of several key members to our faculty. Today we learn about Mike, who has joined us with quite an impressive background of industry work and community service.
When Mike applied to us to work on The Maine Brew Bus, we didn’t quite know what to do. It was at a time in which we felt we were fully staffed, and well before we need more help in the summer.
But one look at Mike’s resume, and we knew we had to meet with him.
Prior experience at Sebago Brewing Company and Maine Beer Company! A background in teaching! An Americorps alum with community service and voluntarily helping others in need! And working on his Certified Cicerone certification!
We met with him, and realized that his varied work and travel experiences had allowed him to develop many valuable skills which would work very well with our guests.
Mike joined us a couple of months ago, and quickly became a key part of our faculty.
His passion for helping people learn enables him to engage with our guests and leave them with a valued experience. He genuinely enjoys discussing and teaching people about all aspects of craft beer.