We Are All Turning ’21 Again!

We are looking ahead to next year and planning for our tours and activities. You can expect both traditional and new ways to connect to our local breweries, wineries, and distilleries. We know that it will be a great year to be Turning ’21 again!
Our team at The Maine Brew Bus has taken the many difficult challenges of this year and done our best to overcome them. All in all, we have had some great successes during 2020!
We hosted over 500 guests on our bus-based tours during 2020. We did have ten weeks of operation in the first quarter of the year, plus a Birds on Tap-Roadtrip! and a Private Tour that safely ran later in the year.
Once we resumed tours in mid-July, we offered our Walk, Talk, and Taste tours in three different neighborhoods every single day. Over 800 guests from 33 different states and D.C. came to Portland and safely enjoyed our walking tours this year.
By working with other partners, we also had nearly 300 guests on biking tours and well over 200 guests on boating cruises and experiences. We are very proud of these numbers as this generated positive revenue for four other locally-owned tour companies.
With all of that positive news, people have been asking us every day about our plans for 2021 and beyond.
Looking ahead, we are more determined than ever to showcase and champion everything that is great about our local craft community. We’ve been very busy building a new set of tours and experiences for next year. There are going to be many more ways for you to explore our wonderful craft community.
When the time is right, our bus-based tours will definitely resume operations. It’s at the core of what we do, and it is even in our name!
In addition to daily options around Greater Portland, we will also go further outside of town and to more places that we want to explore. Watch for offerings that combine food and craft beverage pairings, outings that will teach you new activities and skills, as well as longer distance “field trips” to locations more than 30 minutes outside of Portland.
Once again, our bus tours and experiences will be perfect options for private tours and company groups. We are currently taking inquiries for dates in May 2021 and beyond. [Learn more…]
Our open-air tours will definitely continue as well. Walk, Talk, and Taste tours will continue to rack up the miles (and the step counts) through the Old Port and beyond. Bike and Brews will continue to roll on and help find more ways to explore and taste great beers while getting in a workout. Running, yep we’ve got that too.
We would not be making the most of our beautiful Casco Bay and the environment if we weren’t all about getting on the water with a drink in hand. Outings with both powered and sailing boats will be on the calendar once again.
There will be a couple of surprises that we will be rolling out as well. Stay tuned for more details on those developments.
We think it will be a great year to be Turning ’21 again!
As you are making your final plans for the holiday, why not pick up a Maine Brew Bus tour gift card (or two)?
A gift card multiplies its joy in many ways:
- You get to be the coolest gift giver around the Christmas Tree this year!
- The recipient gets to plan to go explore the best local producers, taste the best drinks and food, and learn the most about what it takes to make great things locally.
- We get the pleasure of hosting them on our awesome tours and we get to help spread the joy and your generosity to our team and our partners.
- Our staff get a kick out of helping get people out and about and sharing the knowledge that they have about our craft community.
- Our partners get paid for all the treats that we consume on tour and they get a terrific bump in their back pockets when our guests make purchases of their new favorite tipples.
- The hard-working staff at each of our partner locations get to tell our guests all about who they are, what they do, and what they’re all about. They also get gratuities from each visit that we make.
Gift cards really are the perfect gift. They are available in any amount, they can be printed out or e-mailed to the recipient, redeemed for an available tour online right on our website, and they never expire! [Learn more…]
After making the gift card purchase you will receive a code on a confirmation e-mail, as well as an option for a virtual card which can be printed out by selecting the print now button. There is also an option to e-mail the virtual card directly to the recipient.
If you are giving it as a gift, you can e-mail it to yourself and print it out at home to present to the recipient.
Show your support of The Maine Brew Bus and our many partners by giving tour Gift Cards this holiday season.
Purchase Tour Gift Cards Here!
Don Littlefield is the General Manager of The Maine Brew Bus. He last enjoyed a Backyard Boogie Galaxy Pale Ale from the Portland Zoo. Twitter: @BeerinME