Beer Town of the South

featured in Southern Living, July 2008
By Tanner C. Latham
“A life without beer is not a life I want to lead,” declares a guy sitting in the back row of the Asheville Brews Cruise van. Everyone nods in acquiescence at such a definitive and reverent statement. Yes. A brews cruise. Basically, owner Mark Lyons picks you up at a designated location, leads you Sherpa-style through tours and tastings at three local breweries, and delivers you back safe and smiling.
More Than a Tasting – This experience transcends the expected. At each stop, Mark and the brewmasters explain the intricate details of the ales or porters they’re crafting. Their passion exceeds that of even the most boisterous beer lover among us. And each question we ask, no matter how elementary, is answered with great nuggets of infor- mation we tuck away for our next cocktail party or poker night.
Editor’s tipsy tip: Pack a pad and take notes. Better yet: Designate a note taker. Let’s be honest. By the last stop, you may be only able to focus on simple truths. You know, like a life without beer… View this page in Southern Living HERE